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Planning surgical interventions and possibly predicting their outcome does not only support the surgeon – it also is beneficial for the patient and helps to reduce the cost of healthcare. We develop surgery planing tools in close cooperation with surgeons, which are designed to be easily usable in daily clinical routine.
Simulations allow for the virtual analysis of loading situations inside the human body, using patient-specific data and geometries. We develop tools for designing and optimizing therapies, such as prostheses and implants. Our tools help to reduce development and testing time.
Sometimes, it is not easy to understand the true cause of a pathology in a specific patient, such as atrial fibrillation. Simulations help to reproduce the pathology by modifying the physical system at a fundamental level, down the scale of a single-cell physiology. In a similar fashion, invasive therapies can be tested in a safe virtual environment using patient-specific simulations, before they are performed in the real world.
We have the expertise to model the deformation of hard and soft tissues, with complex geometric interactions between them, in order to compute the internal stresses at any point in space. You will be able to perform simulations using your preferred geometries, load scenarios, and prescribed deformations.
One of our core areas is the modeling and simulation of complex multiphysics systems, such as the human heart. This is an incredibly challenging task, involving the coupling of computational fluid mechanics, continuum mechanics, and electrophysiology. If you are dealing with a likewise complicated physical system, get in contact with us to discuss how a custom simulation software can enhance your workflow.
Sometimes, simulating your physical system of interest does not suffice. What you really wish to understand is how your system would respond to a drastic change in some of its fundamental components, such as the insertion of a prosthesis in the context of orthopedics. We can develop custom solutions to allow your customers to assess the effect of your products by means of simulating them in a virtual environment.
When dealing with complex fluid-structure interaction problems, such as cardiac valves, standard commercial simulation packages often pose serious limitations. In order to find the best software tool that meets your needs, the best solution is often to develop a custom one. Get in touch with us to discuss how we can help with this.
The core of most physical simulations is a state-of-the-art simulation of continuum mechanics. This is exactly our core area of competence. Given any physical system of your interest, we can provide a custom solution – from the mathematical description of the physical phenomena, to the algorithm providing an efficient solution of the problem.
Contact problems are a challenging area involving both a deep physical and geometric expertise. We have developed tools to handle the contact between different bodies, such as between the human spine and discs, but also to constrain the position of an element with respect to another body, such as a screw in the spine. Simulations allow to compute the stresses at any point of these interacting elements.